Stand Design in the food sector: Standing out at SIAL Paris

It may seem simple, but there is much more to good design than you might think.
When designing a stand, it is not just about making a beautiful design, but it is a unique opportunity to gain visibility with your potential customers, transmit your brand identity, and highlight your star products.

In the case of stand design at agri-food trade fairs, what has been trending in recent years are sleek, minimalist designs that help to highlight exhibitors’ products and services in a clear and effective way. By eliminating unnecessary elements and focusing on simplicity, these designs allow visitors to concentrate on the essentials.

Stand Dextail Mercabarna
Stand Dextail Aksun

Los stands con diseños temáticos son una excelente estrategia para destacar en ferias, ya que centran la atención y son fáciles de reconocer por su estética visual y distintiva desde la distancia. Además, al crear una experiencia inmersiva y coherente, estos stands permiten a las marcas contar una historia atractiva dejando una impresión duradera para los visitantes.

Y por último, pero no menos importante, están los stands sostenibles que están ganando cada vez más protagonismo en todos los sectores. Estos stands reflejan el compromiso y los valores de la empresa con el medio ambiente, utilizando materiales reciclados y técnicas ecológicas que no solo reducen el impacto ambiental, sino que también proyectan una imagen responsable de la empresa.

Fida stand exposed at ISE 2024

And to help you stand out at SIAL Paris, here are some key points to consider when designing your stand and how we incorporate them at Dextail:

  • Brand Identity: at Dextail we work closely with you to ensure that your stand design reflects your brand identity. We use your company’s colours, logo and aesthetics to create a design that is consistent with your values.
  • Space Distribution: we design the layout of your stand taking into account the flow of visitors and interaction with your products. Ensuring there are designated areas for display, demonstration and customer service, optimising the visitor experience.
  • Product Highlighting: we help you select and highlight the most important products in your catalogue. Using appropriate lighting and eye-catching displays to highlight your products and capture the public’s attention.
  • Visitor Experience: we care about the experience you want to offer your visitors. We design your stand in a way that invites participation and engagement, creating a unique and unforgettable experience.
  • Materials and Finishes: we use high quality materials and professional finishes to ensure a good impression. Our focus on clean and elegant design helps to avoid visual overload and to highlight your products effectively.

If you are thinking of participating in this edition of SIAL Paris, don’t hesitate to contact us. From the conception and design to the assembly and disassembly of the stand, we take care of the whole process so that you can focus on the most important thing: connecting with your audience and growing your business.

Tell us about your project through this contact link, and we will make your participation a success.



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